AOC silencing the left? • Comforting adequacy of Joe Biden • New Jim Crow in GA
Brook Hines analyzes the two Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez articles currently circulating widely. The history of left factionalism tells us where we are, and provides insight into what's coming next.
Rick Spisak chats with Denis Campbell on the supremely comforting adequacy of Joe Biden.
Jeanine Molloff offers a searing rebuke to Jim Crow 2.0 now evident in Georgia.
"Talking socialism: catching up with AOC" in Democratic Left, a publication of Democratic Socialists of America, by Don McIntosh
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez denounces socialists and praises Biden administration, Democratic Party" in, World Socialist Web Site, by Eric London
"Supercharged McCarthyism seeks to divide left," Brook HInes on Substack (referenced in AOC segment)
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