How government uses Hollywood to lie to you
FOIA release shows how HHS enlisted performers on their vaccine propaganda campaign
If it seems like celebrities overnight became vaccine POD PEOPLE, it’s because they did. In a Judicial Watch FOIA released in October, 2022 we learn that the US government basically “called the manager” on every professional performer to bring them to heel on COVID messaging, by enlisting talent agencies, management companies, media outlets and producers in a massive propaganda scheme.
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was awarded at least $3 billion to coerce Americans to take the vaccine, prior to releasing any data on safety and efficacy. Pfizer’s own data obtained by FOIA shows just how unreliable and unsafe the shots actually are. This means our government enlisted the entire entertainment industry to lie to us about the COVID vaccines.
In a 249-page FOIA release on the ‘COVID-19 National Public Education Campaign’s for “Entertainment Industry engagement,”’ it’s revealed that HHS went hard on the performing arts, even coercing “artists who rely on live events for their livelihoods,” to “convey the message that the sooner everyone’s vaccinated, the sooner we can have concerts and shows again” (see image 4 below).
It almost sounds like a threat. “Nice career you’ve got there. Be a shame if something happened to it.” And conversely, “Sure would be nice to book some gigs. See what you can do with our ‘community outreach.’ We’ll talk later.”
Many felt uneasy with the concatenation of Hollywood celebrities, stand-up comics, social media influencers, musicians, and athletes who sprang forward to sing from the same hymnal on COVID-19 vaccination. It felt manufactured because it was.
HHS knew that in order for you to consume their messaging, it would need to be delivered by those “you trust most,” which are, of course celebrities.
And it turns out, celebrities are hella easy to manipulate.
In order to stay employed, most entertainers have an unimaginably complex web of relationships. Agents, managers, media, and producers all have an amount of power over any one celebrity’s career. Imagine you must toe all of their lines in order to pay your rent. They could get you to publicly agree on anything. “Of course monkeys belch ammonia—who doesn’t think that?”
Moreover, those invested in the messaging would need to “take down” those with a different perspective or else the people who look up to them would discover they’re all brazen sell-outs. It would take whole armies of Twitter bots attacking the free thinker at once for them to save face.
“She denies that monkeys belch ammonia!”
“Monkey Truther!”
“Belch Denier!”
When talent agencies, management companies, producers, and nearly 4000 media outlets all demand piety to a specific set of vaccine messages it’s only the rare, self-possessed, self-managed, self-produced performers who dare go against the grain.
Enter Jimmy Dore.
Dore has commented extensively on this, saying that comedians he knows “who have ‘Question Authority’ bumperstickers” express horror at others who’ve “done their own research,” and concluded that the shot might not be for them. What Jimmy didn’t know is that, starting in April of 2021, (as is reported in this FOIA release) the entertainment industry was on a short timeline to sell the vaccines to Americans—despite the fact that it would maim or kill many of those who took it (according to Pfizer’s own data which is also dated April 2021).
Those entertainers who take umbrage with Dore, and others who ‘do their own research,’ are throwing a tantrum on behalf of the entities getting paid to push this propaganda campaign. They’re stupid people yelling at smart people to shut up so no one sees how wrong they are.
Let’s be clear, comedians who agreed to push HHS propaganda agreed to do no research and ask no questions because the talking points were handed to them by government contractors. They made it their mission to excoriate anyone who actually did do their own research—dedicating years to understanding our own medical conditions and how medical products impact our health. They operated on FAITH that they were supplied with the correct information.
They weren’t.
Actor’s Equity and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society are just two entertainment industry organizations that signed-on to the propaganda campaign at the level of the entire organization. The FOIA release also provides insight into how the propaganda campaign targeted very specific entities within the performing arts: talent agencies, management companies, show producers and media companies were all targets after the initial, larger organizations joined up.
This program partnered with just about everyone a performing artist depends on for work, in order to apply pressure to performers to “be the influencers” that the government “can depend on” to sell all the vaccine doses they bought from Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen.
But the entertainment industry wasn’t the only one selling out their workers to big pharma. The Institutional Left was also in on this with big union players like SEIU, United Farm Workers, Teamsters, American Federation of Teachers, and National Education Association. If you’re like me you probably followed a lot of union people. I knew they were associated with labor organizations. I didn’t know they’d lie to my face about something that could kill me.
LGBTQ+ organizations such as GLAAD and PFLAG were also recruited to tell their members that they knew the shots were right for them.
Other organizations recruited as vaccine influencers included progressive non-profits such as UltraViolet, Sierra Club, Indivisible, and Center For Popular Democracy, and Center For American Progress.
If anyone associated with the left was able to avoid messaging from all of these players, then there were messaging, data and marketing firms involved who could pitch the outreach program to their entire client base. Between the client list for Data For Progress and Democracy Partners there wouldn’t be a single Democratic voter not thoroughly propagandized by this $3 billion campaign.
All the organizations on the “community corps” ledger were asked to reach out to their members and were strongly encouraged to send messaging through their pipeline. This is a partial list. See the full list here.
“Brand tarnish” is what happens when an otherwise trusted brand (product, service, business, non-profit, etc) becomes associated with something contrary to its core principles, or something just plain bad. So what happens when progressive organizations, often focused on criticism of the status quo, abruptly give themselves over to act as unthinking mouthpieces for state propaganda?
Imagine you listened to a union or an organization assuring you the vaccines were completely safe and “the right thing to do.” You rely on the same organizations for voting information. Why not a vaccine? You proudly arrange a vaccine for your child so that you’d be seen as a responsible, science-following citizen of the world. Then you lose your child to an apparent case of vaccine-related myocarditis. How can you ever again trust those groups who pushed for mandated shots and propagandized all within their reach—at the behest of this government program? How can you ever bear to even see their logo again?
Let’s say your wife is paralyzed from Guillain-Barré syndrome after her shot. She’ll never walk again. The next time you see Indivisible or Sierra Club pushing vaccine messaging you might feel a twinge of disgust…maybe even, hatred.
Brands are generally careful about what they’re associated with because the repercussions when something goes wrong can be dire when they’re blamed for the sins of those who borrowed their identity to ‘sell’ propaganda.
Do the groups listed above not bear some responsibility for the deaths of those killed by the shot? Most Democrats ran to take the shot because the people they trusted told them when they said that only the ‘bad Trumpers’ didn’t take the shot—or worse, anti-vaxxers.
What MEDICAL expertise did Randi Weingarten of American Federation of Teachers bring to the table?
Why is Actor’s Equity involved in your family’s medical decision making?
Did United We Dream pick up the tab for anyone’s vaccine death funeral?
Will lawyers in the National Bar Association have a conflict of interest representing those suing on behalf of their dead loved ones?
I’m just asking questions.
Going through this list of propaganda partners, it’s striking how involved left political organizations were in this vast government-sponsored propaganda campaign. Imagine a Republican administration populating a far-reaching governmental propaganda campaign with right-wing political interest groups. Wouldn’t that seem to politicize the pandemic? How is it different when “your” side does the brainwashing?
Think of the ‘left influencers’ you watch on YouTube. How many do you supposed are engaged in this propaganda experiment? I’d argue that the only YouTube broadcaster who isn’t in the mix is Jimmy Dore, and he’s attacked so much by the Institutional Left that his name trends almost every day on Twitter.
Go down your list of follows and followers on Twitter and remember the ones who were out in front of the messaging EARLY, and then look at the timeline again. How many of these were direct contacts? How many were pushed into their propaganda role from their marketing-communications vendors like Democracy Partners. How many on their client list were asked politely to “help out the vaccine effort.”
When one’s livelihood depends on your relationships with interconnected branches of the propaganda machine, it’s not necessary to PAY people to carry a message. They’ll do it to maintain the relationship, especially when some of those in the relationship let it be known that it’s verboten to disagree. That’s why it’s been so important for other left YouTube broadcasters to rage-tweet at him every day.
There’s many ways you’re told what’s verboten but the most obvious one in this conversation is the aggressive nastiness put out by all these organizations toward those injured from the shot. When you see one person vilified for it, you don’t have to be told directly.
What role did Data For Progress play in this propaganda scheme? Do you know how many state and local “progressive non-profits” operate under the banner of Center For Popular Democracy? Have a look and ask yourself and ask yourself how many people you know are connected to any of those orgs. What role did THEY play in propagandizing you or your friends?
These people all love to chirp about “disinformation” but Regular Joes weren’t part of this massive disinformation scheme—and make no mistake, THIS was the disinformation scheme.
When they told you the shots were “safe and effective” they lied.
When they told you the shots wouldn’t affect fertility they lied.
When they told you the shots stopped transmission they lied.
When they told you the shots were necessary for children they lied.
When they told you that the only way out of the pandemic was through the shots, they lied.
Great job. Please keep it up. People need to know what happened.
I just launched my Substack today and our posts cross over a bit thematically. We're on the same page!
I love the photo references and links on this. You present a lot of great evidence.