Feb 22, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

Great job. Please keep it up. People need to know what happened.

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I just launched my Substack today and our posts cross over a bit thematically. We're on the same page!

I love the photo references and links on this. You present a lot of great evidence.

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It takes a modicum of critical thinking and a true sense of self and some faith to smell the lie from the shadows. Or out in plain sight where most lies are in this deathscam.

Sadly so many are indoctrinated and stuck as i once was in a purely science-based mode of cerebral activity. Science is just fine, but i’ve always said its only as good and honest as the scientist.

Science being a tool like a hammer. And science-based thinking seems to treat the world like a nail.

Once one realizes that we are actually spiritual beings having a physical existence, we are free to think for real. And the lie becomes loud, bright, clear, and obvious! Impossible to deny. And nobody redpilled ever goes back to blue, to die horribly in the matrix.

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

Maybe this should make me less depressed about the cult-like conformity of opinion in places like Hollywood, because it seems that a lot of people are forced to either do this or be unemployed. And in this climate, unemployment is a scarier prospect than it used to be in better times.

But considering that I now know we aren't only talking about much of Hollywood just repeating what they've heard in their stupid bubble...that instead we're talking about ALL of Hollywood getting essentially blackmailed, then that means that almost every single celebrity is like WW2 era Nazi soldiers. In Germany back then, you got drafted, and you had a choice: refuse to put on a uniform and go to prison, or put on a uniform and follow orders without question, which often involved killing people.

In Hollywood now, they have a choice: refuse to follow the propaganda script and never work in this or any other town again, or follow the orders you've been given without question, which often involves telling people to do things that either could or will hurt them. Whether it's telling them to take the vaccine, or telling them that Biden is really awesome and you should vote for him, or whatever. Goebbels could only *wish* for a propaganda machine like this.

In both cases, I understand why somebody might choose their own self-interest over refusing to be complicit in harming others, but it's still fucking wrong because you're still fucking complicit. And it's mighty depressing to think about how many people are complicit after seeing this, when I thought that maybe some of them might not be.

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deletedFeb 22, 2023Liked by Brook Hines
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Was definitely a factor for me. Very suspicious that it was being railroaded as hard and heavy as it was. I was thinking there's some other agenda going on here. Still unvaxxed and, whereas b/f the pandemic I just accepted the vax narrative, now, not only am I against the covid shots, but I don't know what kind of burden of proof would be enough to satisfy my vax skepticism for any vaccine. And of course entirely lost trust in public health, and lost a whole lot of respect for medical doctors as well.

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I read Turtles All the Way Down last month. Jaw dropping.

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