Excellent! Right on the money (que bono?, who benefits, the deep state shadow, "al CIAduh(!)" government that really runs the U.S. and the world, the "Fourth Reich", NOT We The People)!

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i think what is called “4th Reich” is more mundane than many imagine. The Military-Industrial Complex has evolved and is now, as it’s plain to see, manifest not just in “military” agencies, but in Health and Human Services, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, NED, USAID and hundreds of subagencies. All of these agencies do billions in govt contracting with private entities that have far more discretion than they ought to. I’ll just stop there. You see where I’m going. The tick has dug down to bone.

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What a wonderful argument for #ByDefinition #UniversalHealthcare!

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This is excellent work, Brook! Of course you're preaching to the choir with me, but the way you describe everything with historical context really helps frame the issue.

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thanks! i think this is the missing piece b/c we can talk about the facts of the lawsuit, the arguments, and the orders — but what does it all add up to? the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Sep 22, 2023·edited Sep 22, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

wowsa. hit it on the head. as I passed through the TSA. I had a whole new feeling about them. ..even my Lyft driver had a handle on this. as a Cambodian refugee.. he put it all together as well..

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Nicely laid out and stated Brook. We're sleepwalking into the Panopticon and all the agencies meant to protect us... our surrogate parents of sorts... are the ones lulling us into a deeper deadlier slumber. Even if you cannot see the exact plot, the reek is so strong it ought to tip you off that something is amiss. But we are under a spell so strong that many do not want to see or know where we are headed if we do not resist.

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Great piece! I wish you’d post more often.

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Claiming the Missouri Attorney General has the standing and correct policy claims is either an impressive amount of ignorance or some serious and some serious agitprop bullshit.

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Thank you for your commentary on this very important issue. Then-President Trump was quite succinct when he called it the "Deep State", and I am praying against the reality of so many low information tik tok voters that the people wiil wake up to what is happening.

Too many people assume that America will keep on keeping on -- until the day it doesn't !

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