Mocking vaccine injured is revolting
Massive coordinated campaign against vaccine-injured launched as demands for compensation of mRNA-disability explode
It started out small because few of us were speaking up. But now you’ll get that abuse direct from Democratic Party operatives.
In the early days you’d be insulted personally, to your face, for mentioning your vaccine-induced disability: “Sad to say but i think being sick is something she has made a personality.”
The comment in the above screenshot was an attempt by a doctor to shame me into silence as a vaccine injured, chronically ill person on Twitter. Patients like myself regularly face this contempt in healthcare settings, so it’s not surprising that healthcare professionals would feel empowered to ‘let it all hang out’ social media.
Airing malice toward those with vaccine-induced disabilities is a form of clout-chasing that’s become outrageously popular recently. If you’d like to know what’s behind that, read on.
My backstory is that on August 15, 2021 I had a transient ischemic attack. This happened 19 days after taking Moderna shot #1. There would be no #2. It was terrifying for both me and my husband, and there’s no risk/benefit ratio that can rationalize stroke for “the greater good.”
Like any other principled person in this situation, I believe it’s my responsibility to warn others—especially those who share my chronic illness profile—that these mRNA products caused me to have a transient ischemic attack. It’s so common that even the CDC admits it now. The UK just stopped the vaccine for people under age 50.
The commenter above, DrAlana was incensed that a disabled person was allowed to speak openly of a serious adverse event caused by the vaccine. She launched her complaint in the form of personal insult with the intent of showing vaccine-disabled that their stories will not be tolerated on the left.
Apparently leftists—all of them?—are so utterly confounded and repulsed by disability that once they’re made aware of it they become blind to any other forms of personality.
Thankfully my injury was “just a stroke” rather than Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
Had that been the case I’d have been relegated to an even darker disability ghetto: “exclusively white women poorly pretending to have seizures on TikTok.” This is the origin of the “shaking meme” which started more than a year ago as the Rose Twitter slur of choice for vaccine-disabled, specifically Guillain-Barré, a disease that often results in PARALYSIS.
Let’s use the left’s own framework to break this down: If it happens to women, who cares (this is the very definition of misogynist). If it happens to white women, fuck’em twice (I suppose it’s not racist if it’s directed at white people). These ‘white women’ according to Jonah The Whale are ALL FAKING IT for TikTok clout (misogyny, ableism, and disability erasure all in one screenshot). I’m surprised Jonah didn’t also describe GBS sufferers as Trumpers…evangelicals…or…“trailer trash,” because that’s the conclusion they want you to arrive at.
This contempt for the vaccine injured and vaccine disabled has now gone mainstream with Democratic Party ghouls enjoying hearty laughs at the expense of women whose lives are forever ruined from the vaccine they took thinking they were “doing the right thing.” Behavior like this ensures we’ll never make this mistake again.
Here’s Bernie Sanders’s own MEDICAL SURROGATE, Dr. Victoria Dooley mocking those disabled by the mRNA shots with her very own “shaking” meme:
Victoria Dooley jumped in to harass vaccine injured patients in the same way DrAlana did above—with the intent of shaming people with disabilities from speaking up. And she did this with the full imprimatur of 1) a famous surrogate for Bernie Sanders, and 2) a licensed, practicing medical doctor.
[Again, notice how healthcare professionals take glee in this, because you’ll need that knowledge if you wind up with any chronic condition.]
When it was obvious she was being ratioed Dr. Victoria Dooley tried to mollify nasty antivaxxers vaccine-injured patients, by adding a tweet which claimed that she was actually “protecting” us poor vaccine injured patients by mocking us.
Then she locked responses to the thread.
Aaaaand then locked down her account.
This particular instance of the ‘shaking meme’ used to shame Guillain-Barré sufferers tells me that this meme is manufactured by the Democratic Party. Go down a list of Democratic Party B- and C- listers and you’ll find that many of them participated in this meme. That’s not organic.
I’ve been in many left-leaning groups that execute messaging campaigns. I’ve designed messaging campaigns. I’ve helped those whose messages I thought were worthy. What you see in the form of ridiculing Guillain-Barré patients is a POLITICAL MESSAGING CAMPAIGN.
The Democratic Power wields almost total power as long as COVID 19 (or any of its variants) is considered an “emergency.” The ruling class loves nothing more than a crisis, and currently Republicans (of all people) are challenging that totalizing power. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has empaneled a grand jury to investigate vaccine manufacturers for consumer fraud and wrongdoing. Just yesterday Alabama AG Steve Marshall filled a letter on behalf of 16 state attorneys general that seeks to end the Biden Administration’s continued use of pandemic emergency powers. So, the heat is on.
For the ruling class’s power to appear legitimate, they must have the appearance of “grassroots” support. The non-stop propaganda campaign on cable news, and in mainstream publications is NOT enough. Having every celebrity mouth your talking points is not enough. The entire house of cards is built on the appearance of grassroots support—and they’ll do anything to keep up appearances.
Social media is engineered to create the appearance of anything you want. All you need are enough messaging troops to get a subject to trend.
These groups might originate with national party officials and staffers who reach down to request assistance of state party officials and staffers, who then reach down to their county party officials, who then have their precinct captains form messaging groups to boost a signal on social media. This trickle-down approach is how much of the anti-Trump ‘blue wave’ nonsense was started.
Messaging campaigns also initiate from cultural-political groups that organize online around such issues as Medicare For All, BLM/antifa, or gender issues. Others might organize around candidates for office. Other are aimed directly at specific legislation, such as generating the appearance of support for California’s Assembly Bill 2098 that seeks to make it criminal for doctors to have a professional opinion that contrasts with the policy aims of elected politicians.
Once you’ve set up your group, or attached yourself to another person’s group, you’re given messages and “assets” (like photos, memes, and video) to “share with your followers.” Then, most importantly—you wait until the prescribed time to release the message so that it triggers the trending algorithm.
Any time you see something trending, as a smart consumer of social media it’s your job to ask yourself WHY a certain thing is trending when it’s trending. Deconstruct the power relations. It’s fine if a trending issue is one that’s close to your heart. Jump right in, and use your following to boost it. But, understand, at least, how you’re being used by others whose interests are hidden from you.
As someone who has worn many hats within the Institutional Left, I know how the Institutional Left makes messaging promises in fundraising proposals. A “family foundation-funded progressive organization” vying for a large grant from Ford Foundation or Rockefeller Foundation will almost always have a line item for “engagement” where they promise to measure effectiveness of campaigns by meeting certain “engagement thresholds” via social- and earned media. Usually this just amounts to programmatic engagement (orgs boost other org’s messaging). But the pandemic was different. Everyone thought they were a warrior against the pathogen and enthusiastically boosted pharma astroturf.
Much of the money coming into Left Institution groups is “dark.” You don’t get to know who is paying for the appearance of grassroots support. You don’t get to know how much they send. You don’t get to know what that money is earmarked for. If you wanted to hide pharmaceutical companies astro-turfing support, the obvious place to go are “family foundation-funded progressive organizations” with 501c4 designations because no one can see who the funders are.
“Organizers” operating on social media are rewarded for showing benchmarks and big numbers to their organizations, and I’ve never known an organization to pay any attention to the actual quality of content that produces engagement.
They just want that engagement number to be as high as possible, and of course some political operatives are not beneath running crooked schemes such as sockpuppets (multiple identities for one person), and bots (cliché inorganic engagement from the hinterlands of Romania or India) to generate fake engagement numbers. Many well known fiascos have resulted from political operatives pushing their sock puppet accounts (see links above for the famous Sally Albright debacle).
No one in an organization’s hierarchy cares if their social media numbers reflect organic engagement, inorganic engagement, sockpuppets, bot farms or generated through artificial intelligence. The final product will look the same no matter how it’s generated.
And the bitter truth right now is that there’s no daylight between the Democratic Party machine and pharmaceutical companies, so no one who values their health should trust messaging coming from the party machine. If you’re disabled by the shot, the Democratic Party isn’t going to pay your medical bills, and the government will only compensate you if fraud is proven in court—and that’s a high bar to clear. It’s all fun and games until you’re the one who’s disabled.
The numbers of vaccine injured have exploded, and families of the dead and disabled are starting to demand compensation. There’s one vaccine injury for every 800 mRNA products taken up by people who were “trying to do the right thing.” One in 800 people will suffer from myocarditis, stroke, blood clots, neurological damage, liver damage, and even blindness. These people can no longer work and they’re coming back to the governments that demanded they take the shot that left them disabled. Some will be coming to their employers who mandated their shots (they'll have a much easier time getting compensation).
And just as our demands are issued, the usual suspects pop up to belittle, defame, and vilify those who’ve already “done the right thing.”
Rolling Stone just published an article that casts the global vaccine injured demonstrations as “Antivaxxer Superspreader Events.” This piece has found a ready audience in all the Democratic Party operatives posting the shaking memes. You’ll find the same accounts boosting both signals.
So we’ve got growing protests for compensation of vaccine injured. Imagine how valuable it is to Pfizer for the appearance of grassroots vilification of vaccine injured: “they’re all faking.” This is where the rubber meets the road.
And that’s not all.
Two studies recently came out that show Americans are actually quite worried about vaccine injury.
On January 2, Rasmussen released a blockbuster study that shows “nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.”
In the poll taken over two weeks in December 2022, Rasmussen Report found that 49% of Americans believe that unexplained deaths are due to the mRNA vaccine injuries. “Twenty-eight percent (28%) of adults say they personally know someone whose death they think may have been caused by side effects of COVID-19 vaccines,” and 48% of Americans “believe there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
These are big numbers, and they track with another study published in BMC Journal of Infectious Diseases. A total of 2840 participants surveyed in December 2021 found that those who knew someone who experienced a health problem following vaccination were less likely to be vaccinated, and that 22% knew at least one person who had experienced a severe health problem following COVID-19 vaccination. Extrapolating this data, BMC Infectious Diseases reports that the total number of fatalities due to COVID-19 inoculation may be as high as 278,000.
So it’s no wonder Pfizer pflaks are pfreaking out. And this is why I’m speaking out. This goes far beyond tribal affiliations. My shot did not protect you, nor did it protect me. It nearly killed me.
The left’s consent factory is running out of raw materials. Soon they’ll need to resort to the message: “my DEATH protects you; your DEATH protects me,” because that’s where all this is going.
I'm sorry you have to put up with this disgusting behaviour. These people are sociopaths.
What these bastards have done to society at large is beyond reproachable and they know it which is why they will implement all and any sordid steps; to hide the truth;
The day of reckoning is coming and i personally don't think it will be in the way of compensation for injuries and harm caused;
Rather, it will be People raised in arms taking the hill by force, which is exactly what they plan it to be