I'm sorry you have to put up with this disgusting behaviour. These people are sociopaths.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

What these bastards have done to society at large is beyond reproachable and they know it which is why they will implement all and any sordid steps; to hide the truth;

The day of reckoning is coming and i personally don't think it will be in the way of compensation for injuries and harm caused;

Rather, it will be People raised in arms taking the hill by force, which is exactly what they plan it to be

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Let’s hope it won’t need to come to that. The UN goons will piss their pants facing the patriots. Some things are certain in this crazy world, and thats one of them.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

I’m hoping Brook will write some sort of comment on what has been disclosed by Taibbi and the other writers who were allowed to review the Twitter files pertaining to the vaccine.

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planning on it!

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Back in March, April, May of 2020 I got swarmed on Facebook (flash mobbed) primarily by DSA members, some Greens and Democrats when I posted anything critical of the lockdowns, criminalization of protests against the lockdown (such as accusations that lockdown protesters were blocking ambulance bays at a hospital, but no proof such as photos). More swarms in response to my opposition to mask mandates, media campaigns against treatment of covid 19 with hydroxychloroquine. They would call me names, call me crazy with the argument that if I can't trust public health authorities about public health matters, I must be crazy. Scientists would not mislead us, etc. I blocked the name callers and repeat swarmers, Some posted many medical journal articles which confirmed their bias in comments, made assertions without any supporting arguments. I probably blocked upwards of 200 people for life. I blocked people who boasted that they reported my heretical posts to Facebook censors. I lost connections with many people who I had worked with over the years on various political projects. I also began to have more contact with people on the right, got connected with more people on the left who opposed the lockdowns, mandates, etc. Name calling, character assassination and flooding comment sections with unsupported assertions and links to medical journal articles without any comment to go with it are designed to shut down discussion and to marginalize me. I managed to outrage many people on the left prior to covid by opposing US and NATO military interventions in Libya and Syria. Wars launched by Obama were good wars. Then I opposed the demonization of Trump, opposed the Russia Gate conspiracy claims and opposed the impeach Trump campaign based on Russia Gate and then the actual impeachment process. In 2020 I opted to not cast a vote in a general election for the first time since 1976, when I became eligible to vote. I never voted for major party POTUS candidates. I voted for socialists and Green Party candidates. However, I couldn't support any candidate on the ballot for any elected office in 2020.

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I’m sorry this happened to you and to everyone. I’m also sorry for those who’ve been snookered by left institutions in all of this.

it’s not surprising that DSA comes up in this context. I wrote about the mechanics of this here—> https://brookhines.substack.com/p/how-the-conspiracy-to-unseat-trump

Left institutions no longer represent The People. They’ve aligned with CEOs and Dem party machine (which might be okay if the Dem Party still repped us). Unions have totally sold out their membership and have been astonishingly brazen about it.

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Ot comes as no surprise to anyone that the narcissists, the marxists, would act the same toward the anti-jab folk, the

Unjabbed and now, the injured.

They. Do. Not. Care. They lack the brain part responsible for compassion for others and seek only power and false wealth. Corruptibles, meet the corrupt.

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I studied Marxist theory in grad school and can tell you that Twitter Marxism bears no resemblance to “the real thing” (which is just academics talking to other academics).

Kids still in the midst of puberty railing on strangers to “read theory” hasn’t convinced one person of anything (except that Twitter is full of assholes). And even if they did *consume* Capital in its entirety, so what? What good is that now? How does any of improve anyone’s life? Yay for having a critique of capitalist society. Here’s a cookie.

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