Apr 29, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

What beautiful work transforming an ugly unsolicited twitter attack into a righteous essay of truth & logic. It is so heartening to hear sisters & brothers standing to speak the clear truth in a world where so many are lost in propaganda’s sound bites. Strength to you Brook!💪🏼

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

After a lifetime of disappointment, I try not to get enthusiastic about any political candidate. But RFK Jr. sure looks like precisely the leader we need right now in this Holy War. Even if he loses, the media will have to cover him and he will be an absolute wrecking ball to their Narrative. The guy's got more courage, intelligence, charisma, and sincerity than any of his detractors, by leaps and bounds.

Also, with respect to your "friend" sending you DMs - it's definitely her, not you. Many brains have been broken these past several years. Based on what I've read from you, you've managed to keep yours fully intact. Keep fighting the good fight!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

Hell, I'm willing to vote for the guy in a Democratic primary just to troll the despicable DNC!

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Thanks for this, Brook. Very welĺ said.

I could pick some nits regarding "post-modernsim" and the Kennedys, but your main point is well taken. We're in the midst of a totalizing war--you call it a "holy war," CJ Hopkins calls it a war over "reality." I would say an "ideological" war (in the Althusserian sense of the world, which is a war over "realtiy"), andit part of it is what I've called an epistemological crisis. We need to know how to think and speak and write logically and clearly and with intellectual honesty, about what's true or not, whaţ we know and don't, and the dominant forces in the culture are losing that entirely. That's why someone likr RFK, Jr. is attractive, because he appears as--and is, I think--someone speaking with intellectual honesty, on principles he's not afraid or expressing no matter how ridiculed they are. He's in the dwindling party of ntelligtence and honesty. (Not an endorsement,--He's likely to have specific, serious;y objectionable, policy positions-- But a recognition of a very important difference.)

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Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .

“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.


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RfK Jr's views on abortion, gun bans and climate change and the "green agenda" are definitely concerning.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Brook Hines

‘’Handsy McBiguy” ! I love that-almost fell out of my chair laughing. Thanks for this. In particular the information about vaccine injury.

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Such a wonderful piece contextualizing,(with style and grace) so many of the little demons - that've been running through my head lately.

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This was SO good. Everyone should be reading this. Democrats need to understand who they have become and everyone else needs to understand WHY.

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the good news is that the Ruling Elite and thier psycho foot soldiers are starting to panic…

the bad news is that the Ruling Elite and thier psycho foot soldiers are starting to panic…

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Great article. You exemplify the distinction between a Liberal and a Leftist; which is no doubt the source of your profound insights.

Since Leftists deem the censorship of opposing viewpoints not as childish and evil, but cleansing the world of “hate speech;” and since ‘cleanliness is next to godliness,’ would you agree they see the human mind as the final battlefield of their "holy war?"


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When I read about some "new" technology they are supposedly developing, I remind myself that the MIC (DARPA and other obscure govt agencies funded by black budgets) are at least 20-50 yrs ahead of anything that's being made public. Rest assured, they've already successfully developed these technologies and are just ready to announce them for "prime time". It's quite probable that these methods have been actively used for many years already. Scientists were putting chips in monkey's brains back in the 50s.

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“Corruption hates seeing itself in the mirror.” Well put. It reminds me of the many terrible teachers I’ve had, who obviously hated children, because, I think, a child’s innocence can highlight an adult’s corruption.

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I’ve been following you on Twitter/X for a while but am happy to see you’ve got a substack.

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Thank you this, for speaking up, and for supporting RFK JR. You may appreciate this film by Jennifer Sharp. She was also injured, www.anecdotalsmovie.com

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Nice one-sided piece of bullshit.

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Nice rebuttal. 🙄

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