Interestingly, I live in a rural area in a rural county in upstate SC. I honestly know of no one who fits the exemplar of a raging white male. Are there people who dislike the policies of the Biden Admin? Of course as many are living paycheck to paycheck as basic living expenses skyrocket. Are these people lawbreakers? Hardly, although the most serious offense would be speeding down the road. So to the ersatz “white rural rage” the empirical evidence would attract the description of “bullocks”.

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I’ve lived in the mountains in East Tenn (love northern SC, btw). I was in TN’s Cong Dist 1, which has never voted for a Dem for congress as long as i’ve been alive. It was Jimmy Quillen’s seat for generations. he was notable for one piece of legislation which was an anti flag-burning amendment. that’s all he did 😝

some would say Upper East TN is about as conservative as it gets, and i somehow lucked into knowing a lot of the old timers up there (ex-FIL was a “possum cop” back in the day). I’m unaware of anyone that would fit that stereotype touted by schaller and waldman.

the exceptions to that rule are generally crime syndicates like the old Dixie Mafia. I was friends with the daughter of one of the big gangs up there--they’d long since gone “legit,” but i do know that not all took that road. CRIME is crime. we have a whole criminal justice system to deal with it. we don’t need to be suspicious of neighbors. we need to know our neighbors and help each other out.

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Absolutely, Brook Hines! I lived in a poor area of Chicago, on the South side, which is the less-advertised side of Chicago but also the one where (mayor) Daley (the fat one with jowls) was from. In my neighborhood, which was very low-income, my NICEST neighbor was -to anybody with eyes -a guy with lots of the "criminal" type background or sensibiity. He had a good sense of what would upset the cops. He is the guy who liked me, too! So what did I say to that? You are a criminal buddy? You are so terrible you do bad things? Nah...

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I too share your experience, can’t think of any white ragers outside of a few racist jerks that are sprinkled here and there. I can tell you that they exist in great numbers in the imaginary MAGA world that exists in the minds of the democratic socialists.

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if you want to meet some really bad "racists" (what I mean is obvious ones, no interpretations needed), go to a liberal place, like Oak Park Ill. or Madison Wisc. and scratch the surface. Let them speak. Then you know that they are there. I cannot imagine the point of writing a book about the "racism" of rural areas. I think it says in the article, also, this is painting the area ecologically. Then pointing to all those bad people, the individuals, in the designated geographical area. Without context of what that area is really like. ...hope I got that right.

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I think you nailed it. It really is just a propaganda piece that is written by probably closet racists,trying to compensate for their obvious spiritual vacuum.

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The election is impossible to audit or verify because of mail-in ballots and electronic voting machines.

All they need to do now is have the presumption of a possible win.

That presumption is made reality by first reporting what will happen, then reporting a skewed story of only news articles that support the invented narrative. They are manufacturing the reality now and will make it 'true' when the election time comes.

Anyone that disagrees with it will be called racist or conspiracy theory or both.

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i’m quite concerned for the censorship around election fairness. ppl forget that general elections in 2000 and 2004 were both contested (one officially contest in FL and the other ought to have been officially contented in OH), and that Dem party primaries are ALWAYS messed with.

electronic voting is known to be easily hackable, and worse, we don’t have a chain of custody from many precincts to the Supervisor of Elections (it only takes a couple of precincts to spoil an election, so this is vitally important). Mail-in balloting was initially supposed to be a partial “fix” for that b/c it’s a form of paper ballot. I def prefer paper ballots to electronic b/c they’re traceable, but the SOE needs to not break the law and destroy them in a contested race (which happened in Miami in 2016).

mail-in balloting has a history of corruption in big cities in FL. political crooks have gamed that system for years.

all that to say: censorship around election fairness is entirely inappropriate. if there’s one thing we ought to question, it’s the fairness of our elections which must be transparent and accountable to all.

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I have to comment on the Gore Bush election. Notice that Gore did not push verry hard against this. The cabal of elites includes Gore, get it? Political theatre. Climate change, global warming caused by human activity, overpopulation et al are the lies they use to gain control. They deindustrialized this country with lies, they traded a real economy for a false economy. A consumer economy is no economy. This is the legacy that we were lied into, and it is part of the long strategy that no one seems to realize is happening. Harari of the WEF is telling us exactly what they have planned for humanity, but no one is listening. Ps. Brook, I live in Johnson City, Tn. I assume you are around Nashville area. Jack Williams.

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i actually have some insight into the legal *negotiation.* a friend’s dad was on GreenbergTraurig’s team, and YES you are correct about the “fix being in.” They’d already made the deal; it wasn’t an adversarial negotiation. I was surprised that my friend was so generous with the info, and not shocked in the least. Gore’s “concession” speech on TV was so odd, knowing what happened in the “backroom” just tied it together for me.

JC!!! that’s my old stomping ground. ETSU grad. Published my alt-weekly newspaper (The Beat) in JC. Was on the Board for The Road Company theater (not sure if they’re around anymore). Worked at The Down Home. I feel like I’ve been in every cool apartment in town. Had offices and painting studio downtown back when lofts atop of Jones-Vance when they were $100/mo--the art dept at ETSU was renovating their building so all the students found cheap studios downtown. It was an exciting time.

We moved to Nashville so my ex could do music, and also for better jobs. i mean, it all worked out fine, but i miss JC--i’m nostalgic for the GenX lifestyle we were able to have in a small town. We just couldn’t go any further in our careers w/o moving. Moved back to FL in 2006.

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I know what you mean. JC is getting verry crowded now that California, Florida and other sunbelt states are so expensive. Still a nice place here in the flats of piney lol. I understand now why you are creative because you are an artist! This is the kind of creativity the Malthusians stopped because so many of the most creative people are not just artist but also mathematicians, astronomers and great thinkers, so they divide the creative and focus on just the one thing. The greatest mind I have found today was pigeonholed in the same way, until he realized what they were doing. The globalist covid murderers want us to believe in entropy as in the universe is a closed system that will wind down, heat up and die. Man is just an animal with no higher power, also a lie. I urge you to read and follow Matt Ehret and his amazing wife, Cynthia Chung. They are Canadien. The websites are the Canadien Patriot, the rising tide foundation, and through a glass darkly. I guarantee you will be amazed, informed and awake to the entire ancient occult organizations that are still running the world. I am so glad I found you and look forward to reading your thoughts, Jack Williams, Piney Flats, Tn. Ps. Lyndon Larouche is another person you need to read and listen to. His videos are on the Schiller Institute website. He is one of those voices they silenced by charging him with bogus charges. He died and would have been 100 last year.

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Election integrity is a very broad subject. You mentioned the general election and the ballots. There is also the selection process that is tampered with (Do we really think that Biden was preferred over Bernie?). There is the media debates and softball scripted questions instead of tough discovery. Tulsi Gabbard was preferred from the start and the media forced her out. We could go on and on about every aspect. The fact that we have lost our voice in every way forces us to simply watch the 'slow motion train wreck'.


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Spoiler alert! Tulsi Gabbard is a graduate of the WEF young world leaders' program, and she scrubbed it from her website. I have asked her twenty time to explain this and to this day nothing! She like Obama was groomed to be a political animal. Berine Sanders immediately smooched Clinton ass as soon as he conceded, and I think this was the strategy the entire time. Clinton was stunned when she did not get POTUS. Seh is and has always been much more than Bills wife. Bernie is a tool, and he wants to keep his position, and as he stated, "I don't want to be Nadired." in other words he does not want to lose his cushy job in exchange for the defense of his integrity. He has no integrity! Few men can resist the highest bidder.

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You may be right. Unfortunately we wouldn't know for sure until it is too late.

My point was that right or wrong, the people did not select their candidates. It was taken from them early on.

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Well, I suggest you do this reading and see the road map that has been laid out for centuries! At one time we actually had choices. Are you familiar with Major General Smedley Darlington Butler? He is the most decorated Marine Corp man in history! The most famous Marine you never heard of. If you read his little book, War is a racquet you will see that all wars are bankers' wars. This goes back centuries. Wall street Morgan, Warburg operatives tried to get Butler to lead a coup against President Rosvelt. He played along and then exposed them! They tried to murder Rosvelt but missed and killed a mayor of a city. This Wall Street cabal along with the British empire helped to fund Hitlers Nazi war machine along with George Bush's Grandfather. They were actively trading with the enemy during the war. They were all fans of Fascists and Nazis, but Hitler went off the reservation. They remained fascists to this day. If a candidate comes along that does not toe the line, they get rid of them. When Kennedy was murdered it was much easier to shoot them, but now with cell phones they just smear them with false charges, and if he still beats them, then perhaps they may cause an accident. My point is that if a candidate is accepted by the core of either party, they have sold out already. Our choices remain paper or plastic, take it or leave it. Understanding is the best thing in the world, right? I did not come up with the ideas I wrote about, I just studied and there they were, Jack.

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Again, you may be right, but the web of propaganda is deep.

Accepted by the core of either party is a good indication, but it doesn't stop there as you pointed out with Tulsi. We are f**ed either way. Best options is don't become dependent on the system and work on a local level to get reform and network with other people who understand what is going on.

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I think it's politically convenient for the two parties and the (global) powers that be to have Trump back in. The "rage" is part of the divide-and-conquer strategy we are all familiar with.

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“Pied Piper Strategy” -- HRC specifically wanted to run against Trump. Bill Clinton even egged him on to run. They love having the threat of a boogie man so they don’t have to offer any positive reason to vote for them.

voters are sick of this. it’s why we have so many have registered as “no party affiliation.”

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They're also part of the same club. They bump elbows with the same people. Empire approves.

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Apr 7Liked by Brook Hines

I used to subscribe to this line of thinking, However, the notion of divide-and-conquer is dependent on people being manipulated to act against their common interests. What I believe now is we have a conflict between people who believe in an all powerful state and those who believe in individual autonomy. This is not a conflict of interests, this is a conflict of fundamental values. Rage is simply a call to action for those on one side of this conflict.

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It is my belief that Trump was installed by the same powers that run the DNC to have a 'punching bag' that won't fight back. They can continue to chase him and vilify him so it is believable that his opponent is the winner. Both slots blocked. Voters always having only a choice of Trump of 'any blue will do'.

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then we get the illusion of something different, as with Obama, and it’s just more of the same.

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It was Obama that really woke me up. After Bush, Obama was a breath of fresh air since he spoke so eloquently. Then I started to realize that his actions didn't match what he was saying.

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Apr 11Liked by Brook Hines

There shills for the liberal Dems and public intellectuals. They’re probably crafting a domestic civil insurgency from heartland folks as. a straw man to raise national sentiment against them as a threat to our failing democracy. Their appropriate anger

and discontent against the 2-party system

is being manipulated into a violent, dangerous threat to the stability and welfare of the corporate state (democracy).

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that’s right.

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In fact, the entity that actually threatened the rights and freedoms of the American people was the U.S. government, given the totalitarian-like powers that it assumed as part of its effort to keep us safe from the enemies its interventionist policies were producing. Coming to mind are the totalitarian-like power to assassinate Americans, secret mass surveillance, and the incarceration and torture of American citizens as suspected terrorists — all without due process of law and without trial by jury.

This is what a national-security state does to people — it warps, damages, or destroys their conscience, principles, and values; induces them to subscribe to false bromides; and nurtures all sorts of mental contortions to enable people to avoid confronting reality.

Jacob G. Hornberger

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7Liked by Brook Hines

I think Brook is on point with her assessment that groundwork is being laid for violence against anyone who falls somewhere on the White, rural, Christian or conservative Venn diagram. There has been a steady increase in the regime left's comfort with violence. The George Floyd riots being the latest in a progression that began with the mobs at the Republican convention in San Jose.

Long before the Trump era, the rural conservative was depicted as, at best, a slow witted yokels with archaic beliefs. At worst, they were presented as barely human. When you add the conservative equals white supremacist, equals fascist, equals Nazi line of thinking, it seems evident an argument is being created that violence is not only justified, but obligatory.

Waldman and Schaller are spectacularly stupid. They speak with the confidence and vitriol of people who believe others will do violence on their behalf and that violence will never darken their doorstep. It seems they have never considered what happens if the subject of their loathing takes them at their word. What happens when those rural White Americans take it to heart that the Waldmans and Schallers of this country want them broken, disenfranchised, humiliated and ground under their heels?

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thank you! good points all around.

i’d just add that, as a lapsed Catholic GenX lefty with 70s principles (not a Dem Party “lefty”), i just happened to be inside the “progressive organizations” before and during BLM. I saw the infiltration from the top at BLM, and at Occupy. I didn’t understand what I was seeing in Occupy until recently. it’s worthy of its own article. but with BLM violence, we have video of white dude dressed like security contractors setting fires in Milwaukee. that aligned with my exp in Occupy where it was unknown white dudes who looked military breaking windows in what were supposed to be “peaceful” marches. and btw, remember that the initial BLM situation started in Ferguson/St. Louis, MO. few paid attn to this, but many of the original organizers wound up dead. others wound up with mansions. we can all do the math.

on another note, i describe the left’s infiltration at the top in the Disaster Socialism piece as it related to covid. the same template applies to BLM, Occupy, everything. we can’t accept million$ from aristocrats and pretend that’s in any way a “left” value. https://www.brookhines.com/p/the-devil-promised-disaster-socialism

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Hi Brook,

Yes; I would think that East TN and Upstate SC are very much alike insofar as political leanings are concerned. Very conservative, although Lindsey Graham from the Upstate manages to squeak by every election. I used to be the CEO of the water utility in Charleston, SC, also the home to Tim Scott. While I was there, Tim was Chair of the Charleston County Council and was enormously respected. He ran as a Republican conservative as you likely know and is now US Sen. Tim Scott. He enjoys widespread support in Upstate SC.

Having lived in Charleston which has a large (perhaps 35%) black population, there used to be tremendous peer pressure on blacks to vote Dem. It was considered somewhat of a betrayal to not vote Dem, akin if you will to showing up leprous at a wedding. I knew blacks who worked for our company who would vote for non-Dems, but they hid their vote was all alacrity. I remember one of our black department heads who wore a button for a non-Dem candidate but wore it inside the breast pocket of his coat. Back then, everyone in leadership wore a suit and tie rather than the more casual look of today. So while there is crushing power to conform within the black community, there are many who don't in the privacy of the ballot room.

I can't say I've never, ever heard a derogatory comment toward someone who is non-White, but I've also heard plenty of derogatory comments against White people also. Overall, the citizens value protecting the environment but are not climate fanatics, are hard working, are for seeing people of all races advance in their careers, but are generally opposed to preferential treatment such as advocated by the DEI crowd, affirmative action, et al. If one measures the degree of racial bias as a function of support for DEI, many erroneous conclusions will be reached in such a wildly counter-intuitive bit of attempted logic.

Best wishes,


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lol’d at “akin to showing up leprous at a wedding” 😝

having been a CEO you’re prolly more familiar than most at how “climate” and “DEI” are designed for biz objectives rather than helping “climate” or ppl of diverse backgrounds. ppl want environmentalism they can relate to; healthy forests, clean water, non-toxic living environments. ppl want a fair shake for their kids. it’s that complicated.

[sociology education kicked in here] black population in SC is vastly diff from black population in GA, MI, OH, etc. we’ve got to stop tokenizing and fetishizing voters. “vote like a black woman” is a great example of what grinds my gears b/c it assumes all black women vote the same, for the same reasons. it’s contemptuous of real ppl.

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As one of my favorite Star Trek characters, Seven of Nine said,

"They will fail."

It's so disconnected from reality that they gotta have feds provoking mentally ill people into doing these acts.

It's all really cheap crap propaganda.


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I think this slave-master mentality has been the subverted thinking of the entropy liars for centuries, and nothing has changed. If the present dystopian reality seems to be something new, then you need to do some historical reading. Social Darwinism is a lie that was pushed by the Malthusians as weel as Darwin himself! Only the scientists that agreed with the entropy liars were allowed to publish, and their lies became the truth that we think we know now. The universe is not expanding into a death spiral that will eventually end everything. The laws of thermodynamics only apply to machines. They convinced us that it applies to everything to include the universe. Plato, not Socratees was the truthful thinker. I suggest reading the book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman outlook, as well as the clash of the two Americas by Matt Ehret of the Rising tide foundation, the Canadian patriot site, and Cynthia Chung's Through a glass darkly. This hidden in plain sight history will show you the road map to enslaving the world that we are witnessing now. The coup that took place in November of 1963 was these same players that needed Kennedy and his ideas to die. He was trying to bring about a world of mutual cooperation and industrialization that Hamilton, Franklin, Lincoln, Rosvelt, Kennedy and Lyndon Larouche were trying to accomplish. All this partisan politics is designed to keep us in a cage where the only thing that changes are the musical chairs in the Big White House. An exercise in futility. Kennedy and Trump went against the powers that be due to their threat to NATO, WEF, WHO, NED, CIA et al. none of these agencies are what they appear to be, and the awakened know this. Mr. Trump is not without flaws as are every human, but it does not mean that these flawed people are not capable of doing things that will benefit all of humanity. Lyndon Larouche was the modern-day voice of Franklin and like-minded men who saw the real nature of man's potential instead of the Malthusians who want humans to be divided into slave and masters with the masters culling the herd periodically. We are not apes that evolved into modern man and this is why there is a missing so-called link. The reason being that there is no link missing. Plants and animals evolve but man only becomes more creative, but the human potential has been stunted by the false science that we are forced to live under. There is no virus, never was, never will be! It is a fraud that generates trillions of dollars, and yet practically everyone believes they exist. Drs Bailey and Bailey of New Zeeland have shown this fraud with a video series, A farewell to virology. Go look and be awakened. Jack Williams.

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“We recently saw hybrid warfare in action when Israel claimed Hamas committed monstrous rapes, which wasn’t true, but the smear was “wrapped up” in media so that it became “common knowledge.” The truth is that Israel lied to provide political cover for US sending money and arms.”

Wow. Seriously? 🤨🤦‍♂️ Another pro-Hamas take. Ugh. WTF. I’m out.

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Apr 4Liked by Brook Hines

It’s not a “pro-Hamas take”, but an example of how easily lies are propagated through the media. The lies behind the story have been exposed by independent outlets like The Grayzone, Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada. Israeli media like Haaretz and Channel 13 have also pointed out the absence of evidence to support it.

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exactly. thank you.

i know ppl are very attached to their thoughts on the subject and i’m not terribly enthusiastic about debating any of it. i just can’t ignore how brazen the lies have been, and how obvious they are in hindsight.

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Apr 8Liked by Brook Hines

Right, we should always care when we’re lied to and deceived en masse, regardless of where we stand on an issue. Thank goodness there is pushback outside the mainstream against the lies and distortions and journalistic credulity. Great article by the way.

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I come from the country and I can tell you that my family and friends there don’t give a rats ass to the ramblings of the lunatic left..But we can all live off the land without anything from the government..As close to freedom as you can get in this country..The government is a dumpster fire 🔥

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Yes, Hines is correct: " Democratic Party Elites specifically are already quite bigoted [against rural] folk " Now once a person is quite bigoted, they no longer seem to respond to logical inquiry about the persons labeled as other or as inferiors. So, if this bigotry were to be challenged, those who are fully convinced of the inferiority or any other faults that pertain to the opponent groups (e.g. rural whites) do not see any sense in the challenge they are receiving. They are oblivious to criticism. "Those" people are just inferior and no challenge to this may be accepted. The elite Democrats in power, sure enough, seem to have reached this level of bigotedness. This makes the choice between Trump and Biden absolutely impossble for me. Do people think RFK is a viable alternative? I would like to read something reasonable on the topic, not just shallow stuff. Thanks, Brook Hines for this, as usual well-reasoned and well assembled argumentation. The bigotry against rural (or small-town) persons is astonishing to somebody who has even driven through those areas while trying to understand and sympathize. I have been to every area except the Deep South, and, recently, I was in contact with some gentlemen who were very much of white Southern culture, and they had their endearing qualities as well. I think most of the persons anyone is going to check out will. Southerners were very "graphic," pointing out "that thing over there" which could be seen very clearly. They did not like nuance but I thought their "graphic" quality was refeshing: "That thar's a BIG watermelon." Well, yeah. It is, Homer!

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"You can’t infer from a group down to a person. This is the same fallacy conservatives often use to racialize crime. A study of crime rates may find that neighborhoods with a higher proportion of African-American residents had higher crime rates. When that same data is analyzed correctly, African-American individuals are no more likely to commit crimes than other races."

Paging Steve Sailer.. Im not sure what "analyzed correctly means" but unfortunately blacks DO commit crime and especially murder at much higher rates *per capita* and especially in blue cities (often within red states).

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I can immediately think of a large number of people that are going to gobble this book up and file it in the “truth” department in their compromised little meatheads. If I could just put the finishing touches on my invention to “reupholster” white people with non caucasian skin I would certainly be an overnight billionaire. Being a rural,deplorable,book phobic, racist,science denier myself, I can testify that there is a potential for white rural rage in our future. It will be in self defense.

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that’s where this leads, and why it can’t be allowed to foment.

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It’s a hard sell convincing people that are brainwashed that they are brainwashed.

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What they are describing is what the cabal is already doing

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“abandon policy”

Eisenhower was the last republican do you have any policy proposals that helped the proletariat? That’s not a fucking kill you want to die on. You should switch the subject. Political science is not in your wheelhouse.

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Provide cover? Just how is that? You’re pissed because they called your bullshit. Their statements are completely accurate. Instead of ranting like a mad person, address their claims. Actually better yet, fucking fix it. Do something about it. Provide a genuine quality public education, provide a society where opportunity is the norm. The entire electorate is composed of ignorant tools. This particular demographics stands out as the very cream of the crop.

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Shut up dumb ass

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